Casey Roberts 'Flight Path', cyanotype on paper with collage, 42" x 42", $4400 'His and Hers', cyanotype on paper with glow in the dark, 37" x 47", $4700 'Moonlit Valley View', cyanotype with gouache, 42" x 52", $5400 'Nester', cyanotype with collage eggs, 30" x 30", $3400 'Mountain View with Sunspots', cyanotype with collage sun, 42" x 52", $5400 'Studio table with table cloth', cyanotype of paper, 42" x 52", $5400 'Weeping Willow Tree 2', cyanotype on paper, 8" x 8", $900 'Wht flag', cyanotype, 47" x 37", $4700